Sunday, April 8, 2018

[George/Cannon] A Vietnamese Bike Ride

As some of you might know, I'm not the best biker.  In fact I only learned how to bike a month before we left on this big trip.  So I don't have much experience.  And just my luck we had a bike ride planned through Vietnam.  I was understandably nervous, and my fear was not lessened by the fact that I found out that there were hundreds of people on motorcycles that love to honk.  Literally they honk all the time.  But it's not like America, where people honk if you do something wrong.  They honk to tell you "I'm here, don't make me run you over".  So you might be able to understand why I was a bit nervous.

This is us on our bikes waiting

What did lessen my fear was may dad telling me that we would be driving on country lanes, but you still had to drive on the busy road to the county lane.  And as I later found out there was no escape from the motorbikes.  They were everywhere, and just cause you were biking along a bumpy dirt lane didn't stop them from honking.  However I made it through the ride and enjoyed it.  Even though I don't have much experience I really like biking.  And the scenery was very pretty.
Us all on our bikes (again)

One of the country lanes

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