Tuesday, April 3, 2018

[George/Cannon] Rugby vs Elephant

Recently when we were in Laos, we hung out with some Elephants.  During this time we did a lot with them.  We fed them, we hugged them, and we walked with them.  Through the course of the day I made an interesting observation.  Elephants are a lot like our dog Rugby.  Here are some of the reasons.

They love treats
This is the food that the Elephants ate
When we were with the elephants we fed them a lot of food.  And I mean a lot.  Adult elephants eat anywhere to 200-600 pounds of food.  The food that we fed them was mostly bananas, but we also fed them sugar cane, and some corn.  Rugby also loves here food.  If we have chicken (or any kind of meat) she will do anything to get it.  She will do tricks, steal it, or just look at us with those sad puppy eyes.

They're both playful
The Elephants loved to play with us.  Well maybe not loved, but hopefully they enjoyed it.  And by playing I really mean patting and hugging them while simultaneously feeding them bananas. 
Rugby however loves to play.  She will
This is a young elephant looking for treats
play tug, fetch (not very well though, she can't grasp the concept of giving the toy back), and she will chase anything that moves, including me.  That last one might be predatory instinct so that one might not count, but you get the idea.

They're both bad at following instructions
The people who work at the elephant place taught the elephants a lot of words like stop, left, right, go, and others.  The people said the elephants knew 60 words, but they weren't always good at following them.  Many times the elephants stopped to scratch themselves against trees, (another thing Rugby has in common, she always scratches herself against our couch), the people had to say "go" many times before they would move.  As one of the people said, "you have to be very patient when working with elephants".  You also need to be patient to work with Rugby.  She will wait forever until she sits, she with almost never comes, and she needs to work on Avada Kedavera (play dead). However Rugby can do some things.   She is good at stay, but when you stop she bounds towards you and it's terrifying, and she does shake every time without fault.  But apart from that she's not very good, although that might be our fault not her's.

1 comment:

  1. I saw Rugby a couple of weeks ago...and she proved your blog post (loving to play, sweet, but was so excited it was hard for her to obey). I went to pick up Lily, Jay and Julian for martial arts, while their parents were in Costa Rica. Rugby came out to see who was in the yard, and was SOOOO excited to see us again! She was determined to come with us to martial arts practice. Just when I thought their grandma had wrestled her back inside...there was Rugby, chasing us up the street! haha! Good thing it was a quiet street!

    The rest of the ride to practice, I listened to Tommy, Lily, Jay and Julian tell each other funny stories of what it would be like if Rugby came to martial arts class. They were convinced she would be an agile king fu fighter!
