Saturday, April 7, 2018

[George/Cannon] April Fools Day: Part I

As I'm sure most of you know, about a week ago it was April Fools day.  We were in Laos at the time.  So it wasn't your average April Fools, but me and my partner in crime Kate would not let that deter us.  Our tradition every year was to toilet paper our other family member's rooms, but there was one small problem.  Mom and Dad almost never left their hotel room.  Eventually Kate came up with an amazing plan.  I would lure Mom and Dad into there little backyard outside their room, and she would sneak in and toilet paper the place.

It was time to put the plan into action.  I walked in their room.  After a minute or two I casually suggested we go outside.  To my relief they agreed.  After they all walked out I closed the blinds and knocked softly on the door.  Kate knocked back signaling she understood.  Then I checked the time.  I needed to keep them outside for at least 5 minutes.  Throughout the time I heard small noises coming from the room, but to my relief nobody else noticed.  5 minutes later I said I wasn't feeling too well and I was going back to my room.  When I went inside I glanced around the room.  It looked really good.  I then went out and ran to our room, laughing all the way.

Check out Part II for Kate's view and the parents reaction!!!

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