Saturday, April 14, 2018

[George/Cannon] My Future Modeling Career

Yesterday I was very bored at about 8:00 at night.  My solution to this was to raid our family's makeup supply.  Then with help of my sister applied every single beauty product on my face. This included eyebrow pencil, blush, lipstick, mascara, and an eyelash curler.  The end result was this, me realizing my talent for being a model.  In the pictures below the makeup is hard to see, but trust me it's there.

Me trying to mimic a model (and failing)

Again me looking weird and unlike a model
Eyebrow Pencil (Highlights your eyebrows)

Blush (Makes you look pink?)

Lipstick (Turns your lips to random colors)

Mascara (Makes your eyelashes colorful?)

Eyelash Curler (Curls your lashes and looks like it is a
torture device to take out your eye)

That is what happens when I have nothing to do and we have makeup.  I suggest if you are a parent to keep your makeup well out of the reach of your children or something similar may happen.

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