Saturday, June 2, 2018

[George/Cannon] To-Do-List in America

For those of you who don't know, in about a week we are flying back to America (Utah specifically) for a wedding (Yayy!).  As you might have guessed we are very exited to return to the U.S., and when we get there we will be very busy.  Down below are some of the things that I are most looking forward to.

  • FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!!  My family and I (me in particular) are looking forward to having food that we know and is reliable.  We have had some weird and sometimes delicious food on this trip, but to be honest I will be happy to have predictable, reliable food.

  • Exchange our clothes.  In Utah we each left a duffle bag with a bunch of clothes and other things.  And since we have been living with a limited amount of clothes for over 3 months we are all very sick of our clothes.  We might also go shopping for some new clothes while we are there.

  • Go shopping!  It has been very hard to shop on this trip.  For example we can't get many clothes, or food except bread, and some fruit and vegetables.  So when we get to Utah my mom has a big shopping list of things to buy. 

  • Top Ramen  This is a weird one.  My family and I like a certain brand of ramen called Top Ramen.  So when we get to Utah we will buy loads of Top Ramen and shove it into our suitcases.  Top Ramen is easy to make and really good, so it's perfect for traveling (besides the fact that it takes up space in a suitcase).

Those are some of the things that we are most looking forward to doing in America.  There are plenty of other things that we have to do, like get a haircut, and take a math test, but I'm not looking forward to that as much (for many reasons).  However I might (notice that I said might) do a blog post on the things that I'm least looking forward to doing in Utah **cough cough math** .


  1. Come on, Cannon, you are being a bit overdramatic - the only food you get is bread and some fruits and vegetables? I read your mom's post about eating Snickers while on that little stroll you guys did a while back.

  2. I love that your #1 goal to buy is top ramen!! I can imagine what your suitcase looked like flying back to your Europe!!
